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Original Message:

Re: Club Navigo is a rip off (by Steve M.):

Accusing others of being employees of Navigo, and dismissing their comments as you do shows that there is no truth or interest in the truth from you.

You have obviously made up your mind that whatever imagined or real slight you feel you have received as the result of your apparently uninformed forte into time share ownership, could not possible have been your fault. You lambast the club, without giving any real details. Only a lot of accusations without proof, and innuendo against anyone who would dare to challenge your baseless story.

As I said in my original posts, I have never been unable to use my time share points, and have so far this year booked 9 weeks in various rooms at Liki Tiki, Grand Seas and The Cove. Using a total of 14,800 points to date. If you can't get your reservations, then I say it is your fault. You are either not paying your fees when due, or are waiting till the last minute to try to make reservations at popular resorts in busy seasons.

Just because you were stupid in making your purchase, and had no idea of what it was you were buying, does not mean you were ripped off. May, just maybe, the problem is your to stupid to use your time share.