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Original Message:

Re: Club Navigo NOT is a rip off - we have had great success. I will tell my story. (by John T.):

brockp6 continues to demonstrate a lack of credibility by refusing to acknowledge my requests for details about how he believes he was scammed by Club Navigo. As an owner at Charter Club Resort in Naples, I view his behavior on this forum as irresponsible and destructive toward the value of my ownership. I would caution anyone here who is considering writing to him to think carefully about whether you want to reveal your identity to this person.

The only Navigo employee who I have seen post in this discussion thread is Karen Kraftchick. Karen identified herself as VP of Club Navigo Operations and provided some helpful advice to others here last year. She even offered personal assistance to anyone here having any difficulty with their Club Navigo ownership. I think Karen's last message was posted on Oct 08, 2010. She included her email address in every message that I read from her. It is

I wrote to Karen and thanked her for her offer of assistance. As a Club Navigo time share unit owner, I had some questions and was looking for advice. Karen was very responsive and helpful. I kept her contact details and I plan to get in touch with her again if I need any help with my ownership. She is certainly far more credible than this annoying brockp6.

While brockp6 refuses to provide details about his claims of being scammed, I will provide details about my experiences...

I have posted here about how satisfied our family has been with our Charter Club, Naples ownership. I'll tell you about another of our experiences with Club Navigo. A couple of winters ago we traded our week at Charter Club for a week at the Crescent Resort on South Beach. At the time I didn't think about how so many South Beach properties are dominated by college students on spring break - at least not until the first night we tried to sleep at the Crescent Resort.

Needless to say, we had a horrible week with all-night partiers upstairs over our heads keeping us awake every night. At the end of the week I went to the hotel manager's office and sat down with him and explained what a horrible week it had been, both because of the nighttime disturbances and a few other issues. His immediate response was to apologize and to return all of the points we had spent on that week back to our account! I was amazed. I never expected to be treated so well by a time-share company.

HERE'S A CHALLENGE TO BROCKP6 - How about including my family's story in your documentary? If you're really sincere about producing a truthful documentary, post the name and phone number of the Consumer Reports Reporter at your "Big 3" Central Florida television station. I will call the reporter and if I find that you have truthfully given me the name of a legitimate reporter at a Central Florida television station, I will reveal my identity to that person, prove my ownership at Charter Club Resort in Naples, and give him my story.

brockp6 - are you ready to tell the whole truth about Club Navigo? Or do you intend to hide the truth about the good experiences that owners like me have had? Put up now or shut up. I'm tired of you casting disparaging remarks against the company where I have made an investment for my family's future vacations. Your credibility is on the line now brockp6. You can either accept my challenge or demonstrate to everyone here that the real scam is what you are doing.
