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Original Message:

Re: First lawfirm who actually helps to get rid off my TimeShare with Royal (by Gerardo M.):


gerardom18 wrote:
donp196 wrote:
Gerardo ..... it's better to remain silent and have everyone think of you as a fool than to open your mouth and prove them right.

I guess you are talking by experience, tell me how much of real knowledge do you have, besides Google have you ever call carrera Lawson I offer you proof and yet you refused so tell all mighty powerful keeper of the truth can you prove that I lie or is just your opinion

You say you offer proof by quoting some long drawn out number ..... that's not proof of anything .... anybody can do that.

One more time, owners cannot get their timeshare contracts cancelled just because they are tired of paying yearly fees .... it just doesn't work that way in the real world.

Well you guys post about your knowledge of PROFECO and Mexican Law claiming you know everything about fraud and scams here in Mexico that’s why I post the number to verify your power and connections, however also I offer to mail o email a copy of the letter so you can take it to the Mexican embassy and check the legality of the letter, I don’t know about the fraud but we deal with carrera lawson and the timeshare was canceled we actually mailed a carta poder. so you want the proof or you rather keep yelling SCAM to everything without any evidence. carrera lawson set the complait cant said if they argue that my parents where tired of pay fees tho