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Original Message:

Re: Anyone know anything about Finn Law Group? (by Irene P.):

Janet, Thank you for posting false and defamatory statements. I have forwarded them to Finn Law Group. #1 the FB is not my site. It is a Facebook launched by an economics professors. It has grown to 3600 members.

I do this because of symptoms of PTSD. My best friend Jayme Simmons lived with me the last two months of her life, in fear of her husband. He shot her in the face three times in front of her two year old. I was to testify remediation but John switched his plea to guilty. He got 7 years. This is not the first time I worked full time for free. I worked for a year for free to raise money to fund my position at CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates for children in foster care. With the proceeds I raised from car shows and a grant I launched Foster Futures, a program to aid children aging out of foster care, one of our nation's high risk populations. I also designed the volunteer program working for two years for free for the Diocese of Newark, working at the Aids Drop In Center. I don't get anyone out of their timeshare. I read their complaint, direct them to contact their resort, and if dismissed with "you didn't say anything on the recorded QA" we direct them to file regulatory complaints. I have several who have been through our process helping other members, answering questions about regulatory filings. As a consequence, hundreds of disputes have been resolved. Your comments don't bother me. I consider the source. Here's a testimony from one of the over 1000 families who have contacted me. Over 100 Diamond Platinum members have contacted me. One of them said she hoped they could find a court house big enough to hold all of us. About 90 of the Platinum complaints have resolved. My dad has had the contract he was upset with rescinded leaving him with his original contract, as he wanted. I was the one who did all the contracting and emailing for him and I truly do not know if that was responsible, the notification came through his attorney. Whether it was the attorney or the emailing, etc., I have no doubt at all that your efforts have changed the climate of the topic and the industry, and in some way affected the positive outcome for my father. Teri and I will continue to support your efforts and hope that you also find some satisfaction in definitely being the person who interjected hope for a 90 year old person who was despondent and really disappointed in himself.

I've suggested Inside Timeshare publish your comments Janet. Thank you again, Irene Parker

This place is a real law firm but shady. If you look at their bbb all the reviews are in 2019 and roughly a week apart. Also a lady by the name of Irene Parker (diamond advocate fb forum) was referring all the people on her site to him. She claims her process is free knowing she's not getting anyone out so after they realize this, she sends them to Finn and he charges thousands of dollars. Well now it's claimed that he was giving her kickbacks, commissions , and a finders fee. See, lawyers are not allowed to call or use any form of phone solicitation. How perfect was this set up. He probably contacted her to make a deal. You send them my way and I will take care of you. Ie cash money. Problem is, lawyers can't split legal fees so I'm sure it's all under the table.

Diamond is suing him and it looks like she is in hot water too. Diamond is shady yes, but so is Finn law group and Irene Parker. She now Is forming a go fund me page to help pay her legal fees. Why not use the free lawyer she claims will help and she is so tight with. Her quote. Last story. I had a diamond timeshare and went through her form to fill out. It's a joke. I could tell it wasn't going to work and asked many people if they had results. No responses, but she also chimed in with how many people she helped. Well, I found a local law firm and was able to get out of mine. It took 9 months but I was out. So I go to her forum to share my experience and got blasted by her and was asked to delete my post. She told me that the law group I used wasn't approved by her. Well hell I.never mentioned who it was. She knew it wasn't Finn because she knows every client she refers. Anyway I left her fb group. I knew right then she didn't want any of her thousands of followers to maybe ask me who I used. It would have put a damper on her little side hustle. It's fine if you want to help people and refer them to a law firm, just be straight up and tell what your really doing. Truth always comes out and will eventually. Thanks