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In addition to Martys info (by Kenneth K.):

There are only two float times at MBP.....Plat and Gold. All weeks are seen by the exchange companies, however, as red ( that means II in this case. It also show there are diffewrent degrees of red, and gold is considered a slightly weaker red time than plat.

There are specific weeks in the Plat & Gold period that mean a lot. In the Marriott system, owners are allowed to pick any week they want in the float time they own. That means an owner can pick from various times in their float. It also means that a savy T/S owner here would always try to pick the week they feel would be most desired by the exchange company. WHY???

Because the strongest week in the float period given to an exchange company would provide better weeks in the least in the II and RCI exchange groups.

An example....a gold float week costs a lot less than a plat. But the time period in the gold float (at MBP) includes Memorial week or Thanksgiving Week....that might be stronger than a week in late October....( II confirms this with giving an AC (Bonus Week) for a turned in Thanksgiving week .

Since MBP are lock outs, most exchangers pick the best possible week in their float time, ( I bet a plat Easter Week would really be a top trader) then have Marriott lock it out ( a charge) , then give the two weeks to II, who may want it bad enough to give a AC too. ( ACs are different, but most have a charge to use, usually 299 for a 2 bed 2 bath marriott week somewhere else.

That can produce 3 weeks a year for your one. It has been noted that the Four Seasons in he San Diego area are also all lock out, and II may give 2 ACs for each lock out week. Thats four weeks four the one......BUT the main fees there are just under $2000 a week ( last I heard).
