Brokerage Group MHP

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Brokerage Group MHP (by Jane S.):

I also had a call from this company two days ago regarding Grand Luxxe (except that their info was dated and they had us listed as owning Mayan Palace and not using said property--which was true before we returned to Mayan Palace in February 2015 and upgraded for reasons I will not enumerate--probably fooled again). The Brokerage Group MHP offer is simply too good to be true.

We have also been burned by timeshare sales and listing agents in the past. They tell you that the fees will come from the sales proceeds in order to persuade you to proceed, but I have told by (someone else) that we would still be responsible for the commission (legally) even if the funds are never transferred. The last broker suggested immediately transferring any wired funds to another bank account so that the transfer could not be reversed, but we still did not proceed with the offer because we were afraid of losing still more money. While we have enjoyed our timeshares in the past, these predatory scams have made us wary and mistrustful of all timeshare. We wish that we were completely out of all timeshare, but we are living and learning.