Report Abuse - 121878

Redweek Timeshare cost

On what basis do you state that RedWeek rental pricing is "unrealistic"? First time (...or greedy) timeshare owners renting out weeks may not bother to determine current market pricing, but experienced owners certainly do. I'm sure that is true on ALL sites where timeshare rentals are posted. Over the years, we've offered timeshare weeks for rent on RedWeek when we cannot use our weeks ourselves for one reason or another. The weeks are usually successfully rented out within 2 or 3 weeks of posting the RedWeek ad. I believe this consistent success to be the result of knowing resort-direct (overpriced) rental costs and also looking at other owner-advertised pricing for comparable weeks at the same resort, making very sure that our pricing is not only "realistic", but highly competitive and usually the lowest price to be found [b]anywhere[/b] for the same week at the same resort. In short, I do not believe that your overly broad comment about "unrealistic" Redweek rental pricing is correct or accurate. Timeshare owners ([b]not[/b] the site they choose to post on) determine their own rental pricing. Accordingly, some exorbitant or "unrealistic" rental pricing can likely be found on any and every timeshare rental site in existence. That's certainly not the site's fault, regardless of what the particular site may be.