Report Abuse - 12568

Re: Floating Week

[Q=catharine2] if you own, you have a difficult time getting to use your week-if I am wrong I would love to have support correct me with the TRUTH, not self-serving damage control. There was also said to be a class action due to this and I do not know the outcome of it. Perhaps that's why people are selling floating weeks so cheaply? don't misunderstand-it is a beautiful resort if you can get to use it, and I would love to sometime....[/Q] There was a class action lawsuit, which seems to have ended up badly. I got a notice (over a year ago) about a proposed settlement in which we (the suckers who bought timeshares) would each get something like $40 in credit that could be used at the resort (like at one of their restaurants or to buy cosmetics). The attorneys who represented us plaintiffs, on the other hand, were awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. The greedy jerks who oversold the timeshares (ILX), essentially got off without any more damage than paying the plaintiff's attorney fees, and can keep on doing what they have been doing. With the fees raised to $600 now, we are paying nearly $90/night to stay in a hotel suite that gets maid service only once every three days (and even then they don't replace the soap and shampoo). My unit had a drippy toilet that looked like something salvaged from a junkyard when I looked inside the tank. In my ground floor room the soundproofing was so bad I could almost hear the people upstairs farting. Paid nearly $11,000 in 1993. Have seen these selling for $600. There are no honest people in the Timeshare business. They are all the scum of the earth - people who prey on the naivete of others.