Report Abuse - 12719

gift certificate, dishonest lawyers, dishonest developers

How and when did you get the $40 gift certificate? I never got mine. It also really galled me that the attorneys got paid big buck for accomplishing essentially nothing for the plaintiffs. Another thing that really rubs me the wrong way is that every time you go to Los Abrigados you'll see copies of newspaper and magazine articles about what a great humanitarian Joe Martori (the guy who started LA and is probably the largest investor) is. Great humanitarians do not make their fortunes by taking advantage of naive people with misleading high pressure sales tactics. If you're interested this web address has some interesting information about alleged relationships between big business, politics, and organized crime in Arizona - - a familiar name gets a lot of mention. Lately I've been getting a lot of direct mail from companies puporting to "help" you get out from "under" your timeshare. No doubt another scam. There has to be a way to effectively fight back. We just haven't figured it out yet.