Report Abuse - 12848

Re: Floating Week

I don't think anyone here was implying that lawyers in general are scum or anything of the sort. The point was that the lawyers **who represented the plaintiffs in the class action suit against ILX** got themselves a big fee while obtaining nothing of value for their clients. And yes Ken it may be possible to find good value in timeshares IF you buy on the resale market and find that rare property where the management is honest enough to charge a reasonable management fee. This is not the case for those of us who bought from ILX. All of the switching around from LA to Bell Rock, Poco Diablo, LA Lodge etc is interesting in and of itself. Our $600/year fee comes out to $87 a night. If you get on the net and go to something like you can actually book a room at those places for something like that price. So then the question becomes for us owners, what exactly did we get for our $10,000 or $15,000 or $17,000? I'll tell you what we got -- the privilege to further enrich that great humanitarian Joey Martori.