Report Abuse - 164878

Re: Re: Selling getaway weeks

[Q=deneenec] During my sales presentation I was told that I could list the getaway weeks on Airbnb. I'm trying to find out if this is true because I planned it to use that Revenue to pay for my Vacation ownership membership. I'll be working very hard over the next week or so to find out.[/Q] Both RCI and Interval International expressly prohibit the rental of exchanges, Last Calls, Getaways, etc. in their written terms and conditions of membership, which can be very easily retrieved and verified in a matter of minutes without any need to be "working very hard over the next week or so to find out". That sales weasel was either knowingly lying to you or innocently mistaken, but still 100% wrong in either case. II and RCI are [b]exchange[/b] companies, each providing access to timeshare weeks for their members. Understandably, neither company allows its’ members to attempt to turn that access into quests for personal financial gain by selling or renting obtained weeks that members do not actually “own” in the first place, but have instead obtained by "exchange", Getaways, Last Calls, etc. Weeks obtained through those various avenues are provided for II and RCI members' one-time, non-commercial, personal use. Such weeks are not [b]owned[/b] by the member, so the member cannot sell or rent any such non-owned weeks to anyone else, since those weeks are simply not theirs to sell or rent out to begin with. Surely not what you want to hear, but you can easily verify that this info is 100% accurate, whether or not “welcome”.