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Re: Williamsburg Maintenance Fees

[Q=stanleyf5] I recently attempted to purchase a unit at this resort from a private party on Redweek. The listed maintenance fees in the ad indicated the fees were $450 per year. When I received the estoppel report, the 2007 Maintenance Fees were listed as $550.00, with a special assessment of $200.00 which began in 2006, and continues through 2008. The estoppel report did not list the 2006 Maintenance costs. I would appreciate an owner of a Patriots Place property telling me if the 2006 to 2007 increase in Maintenance fees were 22.2%. The owner also never disclosed the special assessment cost. I have cancelled the purchase and would appreciate this information as I decide what to do next.[/Q] I notice that your "post" is quite old, so I hope by now someone responded to you. I own at Patriot Place and have for years. Yes, there has been a special assessment for '06,07 and '08. After that, we hope the extra $200. will go away, at least for several years. They are renovating the units as I am sure they needed it. It is a great location and we bought mainly to exchange. Best of luck.