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Re: Get the Resale Scammers on T.V.

Just finished my interview on and it went well. I was able to reiterate that if a company charges any type of fee up front no matter what they call it to help in the selling of a timeshare to not do business with them that it is a scam company. Judd also asked me what a timeshare owner who wants to sell should do. As has been mentioned on the redweek forum many times I said to first follow the golden rule of pay no money up front to anyone period. I repeated the "no up front fees to anyone" as much as I could. Then as has been said here many times again, the best person to sell their timeshare is usually the timeshare owner and that they should look to websites such as redweek or other similiar websites like redweek to advertise the unit. After the email CHL Marketing dba sent to Judd this morning trying to persuade him not to have me on his show and then Judd's reply back to them saying I would still be on that someone from CHL Marketing didn't ask to be on with me to rebuttal what I had to say. I'm not sure but Judd may have invited them on the show in his email to them. Alas though, no representative from Makes me wonder that maybe they don't have all that much confidence that their resale package is such a great deal for the timeshare owners after all. All of the sudden they got a little shy when it came to addressing my posts and comments on them and the resale industry.