Report Abuse - 19408

Re: Floating Week

"why doesn't somebody do something to help us poor idiot souls recoup some of our $" Because it would be an exercise in futility, as long as property laws in Arizona are written for the benefit of the Joe Martoris of the world, not for your average honest and overly trusting human being. If you had put your $27,000 into a CD you could have earned (at 5.25%) $1417.50 a year to spend at a hotel of your choice, and not have to worry about whether or not you can book "your week", not have to pay (for a 2BR probably) $1200 year "maintenance fee" (Martori enrichment fee). At a regular hotel you would also get your room made up every day, get new soap and shampoo every day, and not have people bugging you to come to some "presentation" about "new features" (more ways to separate you from your money). There is only one way to get even in a small way: every time you visit and ILX resort keep your eyes open for people who are there on one of those special deals where they get to stay for $59 if they subject themselves to a high-pressure sales presentation. They aren't too hard to spot. Make a note of who they are and try to find a chance to speak with them discreetly, describing what you've learned about ILX through hard experience. Even if they already agreed to purchase a membership (they no longer sell real "time shares"), they should have three days to cancel the contract under Arizona Law. Oh, and by the way, if you can get someone to actually buy your timeshare for $5K I promise to eat my socks!