Report Abuse - 20214

Re: Get the Resale Scammers on T.V.

I was interviewed by Judd McIlvain of again yesterday. Once again the interview went very well. I was able to reiterate that anyone who asks for money up front to sell a timeshare regardless of what type of fee they call it is without a doubt a scam. This time Judd had actually called a resale company a few days ago to find out exactly how the process went. For the interview he asked me what to expect when a timeshare owner is contacted or calls one of these advance fee companies, I explained the normal flow of the conversation to Judd. He then indicated that indeed his call went almost exactly the way I described it. You know the call drill, oh Mr. Timeshare Owner, this is the perfect time to be selling.......oh, that's a great resort, we have people looking to buy into that one all the'll have no problem selling your should be able to sell it for more than you paid.....we guarantee it'll sell in 90 forth and so on. I didn't give advance notice of this interview because last time the brain trust at chl marketing ( contacted Judd and basically threatened to have his internet privileges revoked if he followed through with interviewing me. They also suggested they were going to be pursuing legal action against me and that Judd didn't want to be assisting my "slander". Apparently they never stopped to think that threatening a consumer advocate and investigative reporter with his experience and connections wasn't the best thing to do. If anything he is now very interested in this advance fee resale scam.