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Re: Timeshares Only

[Q=karenw150] I have had my timeshare for sale on Timeshares Only for nearly two years and no interest. ==================================== {phill12} Karen, I wouldn't say there was no interest only because I doubt many people even know of your ad! ===================================== {Karen} When we visited their offices they told us they had sold X number of units at our resort in the past x months, which sounded reasonable. ===================================== {PHILL12} I would think this statement is written down under the to say list! First thing is most of their business is over the phone so when a owner walks in they are probably not ready for you. This is why I said the "WE SOLD X UNITS " is on there to say list. Many of these companies go through employees very quickly so you might have even talk to some one working there less than a week. What I don't understand is people come on these sites and ask about these upfront companies and are told same thing, "RUN' . Then they will state all the reasons they like the company. Unless there shills on these site trying to spread lies why ask for our(owners) thoughts! Hope you do sell but you should try other ways to let people know you have a timeshare for sale!