Report Abuse - 25850

Re: Anyone been here lately?

I know it's 4 mos past your question date...but, I have owned there for about 10 years and I will not ever be going back. For teh last 4-5 years the place has been run down, the air barely works in the rooms(this is consistent for 6 last visits or so) to the point that I have to bring a fan from home to sleep @ night. Yes, I do go in the heat of Summer, but is no exuse for the air.Upon calling thje front desk they basically say, 'it's summer, that's life' But, I have stayed @ the Westin and Marriott same time of year and never have a problem cooling down the rooms there. The pool 2 years in a row was so cloudy and warm that you could not even swim in it. We rented 4 rooms last year and paid for guests to come and everyone ws complaining about the pool temperature.The front desk people are also rather rude when you have an issue to complain about. So, you are right in your assumption, the resort has went downhill and I can't believe it has 4 stars...impossible. I did give it 4-5 tries again to make sure it was not just that I hit it on a bad week. Very used to be a lovely resort. Now over run with HUGE families, screaming children and very filthy pool bathrooms. Not what it was when I purchased there. All owners need to start complaining to get it improved....Please pass this along to other owners!!!!!!