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Re: 60 days in advance provision

[Q=vickyb12] [Q=archie14] I've contacted several owners regarding their For Rent posts. I'm planning a trip to Las Vegas later this Fall and would like to stay at Grand Desert for 7 days. Found a couple of 2 bedroom offers that interested me, but in each case I was advised by the owner(s) that they are unable to rent to me until 60 days prior to check-in. Why is that, since I'm willing to pay up-front in advance?[/Q] We own at the resort and after 60 days prior to check-in, the owner can get a 50% discount on rooms if they are available. This doesn't help if one needs to get an airline flight. vickyb12[/Q] Does the 60 day discount apply to any resort or just the home resort? For all owners or just VIP? Thanks