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Re: Is Montecristo Estates sold out & what Pueblo Bonito was selling the last units for

[Q=josephinet13] We were carried away by the sales agent. This is our first investment I am so confused, at times I couldn't sleep, if we had made the right decisions. my husband is so positve that the price will go up due to the construction going on the golf course, Ritz Carlton. We have bought Villa 109 due to finish 2010 from August 16-31,even years for $45,000.00 if paid in cash and 50,000.00 if paid through their financing 12% interest , monthly payment of $562.00 for 10 years. $2,000.00 yearly maintenance fee. We made a deposit of $9,800.00(BOA MC that they open for us )which is not refundable, just in case we will withdraw. our balance if paid in cash is due on sept.14. I am now debating if we will go on with purchase or loose the deposit. We love the place but i just read positive and negative comment about. Need Help pls make comment.[/Q] Josephine -- The Montecristo Villas are awesome. I've yet to talk to or read about anybody who hasn't enjoyed their villa. I've used mine two years now (I own the first two weeks in September). However, what takes the MC villas from awesome to mind-blowing is the the view. And to get the view of views you need to be high to get the panoramic view and to look over the Pedtrigal to the east and lighthouse mountain to the west plus the mountain to the south if in MC phase #1. The villas on the top two streets (villas #1 thru #18) are waaayyy high above ever other villa. I own #12 at the west end of the second street from the top. This has the best view of any villa at MC as there is no villas blocking the view to the west (the sun sets in the west so you get the magnificent sunsets). On the top street (#1 thru #11) the view to the west is blocked by an outcropping whereas on my street we stick out far enough so the view is not blocked. Also the villas on my street block part of the view from the units above. Whereas the villas below our street are way below us. A death and divorce (has made it difficult for me to fill up the villa) plus my investment property in Florida ain't doing so hot. It is killing me to have to sell it at this time as I do believe it will appreciate drastically once the golf course goes in as there is some unique qualities that make a golf course at our location especially appealing (the golf course was supposed to be completed a year ago). I haven't listed my villa for sale yet as I am not sure that is the place to sell ones villa. Email me at and I'll email you some pictures of the view from #12 that will blow you away. I'll make you a better deal and at a much, much, much better location (for more reasons than the view). If you want your property to really increase in value it is something unique; villas #1 thru #18 have the unique location. Where your villa #109 is located can be replicated dozens of times over. Oh yes, I've own Pueblo Bonita properties going back to 1999 at the Rosa. Ernesto Copple's penthuse was directly above mine. My unit over there sells for much more than I purchased it for. Also bought at Sunset Beach but traded it in for MC.