Report Abuse - 29588

Re: Is Montecristo Estates sold out & what Pueblo Bonito was selling the last units for

bonnie -- Yep, we are getting screwed by Senior Copelle not having the golf courses in already. However, I can't see after looking through the documents they gave me that MC promised an opening date for the golf courses. All they say is, "50% discount of green fees for proposed golf course". Last time I was at MC I asked Eric White who sold me the unit what the delay was on building the golf course and he said that the Mexican government at the last minute ordered an environmental impact study -- the first ever in Mexico -- be conducted and signed off before construction could begin. This caused and 18 month delay before beginning construction of golf course, new villas other than fractionals, hotel, etc. I don't know whether this is BS or not but I could believe it as that stretch of land has some unique qualities being at true lands end and of such a vast area. I sort of got the inside scoop on the golf course, etc. as soon after buying my unit in August 2005 (I have other timeshares in Cabo) I was checking out the progress of my unit and ran into a guy who looked like a project civil engineer. I chatted him up and he was in fact a civil engineer and had just moved into one of the units above the gate at the entrance. He told me about the grand vision and especially building the golf course around the west side of "light house mountain" for bragging rights to the furthest hole in California -- both northern and southern. I used to live in Monterey, California and am familiar with the ocean side holes there and the status the golf courses there have (who hasn't heard of the Pebble Beach Golf Course) and the astronomical prices homes in that area of Carmel fetch. As far as getting compensation for the delay of the golf course being installed. You/we could always ask for so many free green fees. This wouldn't cost Copelle anything out of pocket. Always keep in mind there is strength in numbers. If enough of us owner complain the more likely we are to get compensated. Believe me, not having the golf course in by now is hurting the resale and rental of my unit big time. Going to the other golf courses in Cabo from the MC is a real pain -- not only in time and hassle but around $80 RT taxi fare to get to decent one. However, one golf course is built this will work to our advantage.