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Re: Is Montecristo Estates sold out & what Pueblo Bonito was selling the last units for

[Q=josephinet13] [Q=ericdavid83] [Q=josephinet13] [Q=ericdavid83] [Q=wendywins] The reason you were charged a nonrefundable deposit is that it is not, I believe, a good investment. If you did not back out before the legal deadline, only you can decide what to do next. Try selling it and you will see how much you are offered (less than you paid) Sadly, timeshares are rarely investments except in family vacation fun, particularly bought NEW from the resort. The Resort is recouping advertizing, promotional costs and all those goodies they hand out to get people to go thru the sales pitch. We bought penthouse weeks. We like the units and use them and occasionally rent them but they will never sell for as much as we paid for them never mind more . Moreover, the sales people said the golf course would increase the value of ours as well...and that was years ago. The golf course will eventually be built...but so will more units ![/Q] I got my "non refundable" deposit back and bought a resale in one of the coveted 1-18 villas for less than half what they were offering for new. I have the last 2 weeks in Nov. If anyone is going to be there at that time, my wife and I would like to meet them.[/Q] Eric How did you get your refund back . When did you cancel after the transaction. We tried to cancel the next day of the presentation but we were told that we cannot get the refund and we called BOA unless we can prove it a fraud we cannot contest. Pls Help!!!! Josephine[/Q] I would prefer not discussing the details of this transcation in the open forum. If you wish, you can call me or email me or I will contact you offoliine. It was quite an adversarial situation.[/Q] Eric Pls email me at ASAP I really wanted to talk to you. My middlename by the way is David josephine[/Q] eric i live in California ,email me your number I will call you.PLEASE