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Re: Is Montecristo Estates sold out & what Pueblo Bonito was selling the last units for

Martin, Having invested in and managed real estate for decades, as well as being a timeshare veteran(we own 10 right now including 4 on Hawaii), I would generally not advise someone to expect significant appreciation in value in a timeshare purchased directly from a resort, regardless of the hype . Timeshares are great for personal use, trading and sharing with friends and family and, some may be rented out but they are not comparable to other kinds of real estate in terms of investments in no small measure because of the resort profit taking on initial sale ...obviously. "Peasants" who buy "low end units" at Sunset Beach hopefully enjoy the beach, the scenery and facilities of the resort and the pleasure of vacationing there... which is the best reason to buy. Incidently, when an area is all built up, some of us find it less desirable , miss the natural beauty and look for less crowded places to go! Doing a google search reveals MonteCristo Estates weeks and fractional shares on the market now. I saw one offering of 2 weeks in October for a mere $35,000. That is obviously lower than the resort selling price .