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Pahio Bali Hai owner of 3BR,3BA

[Q=jonathanh41] You know, I've been a little concerned over the Wyndham takeover (I own a 2BR 2BA from Pahio). Apparantly, the "older units" from pahio are not up to Wyndham standards and the units being built now are supposed to be "better" and up to their standards. So that is why pahio owners cannot use them unless to buy into them. I think that is ridiculous. So essentially, a person that spent $20,000 on a Wyndham property in the year 2004 have access to the "newer " units, but a Pahio owner who spent $30,000 on a Bali Hai unit does not have access to those units. It seems as if Wyndham is segregating the Pahio owners to "give them incentive" to buy into Wyndham. Another money squeezing scheme if you ask me. Sadly, I have also heard reports that Wyndham is not maintaining the other Pahio properties very well either. I'd be interested to see what your lawyer says.[/Q] we are Pahio owner since 2004. We own a 2 bedroom 2 bath penthouse unit. We visited there last summer and wanted to see how things were going. We requested a room close to the pool. We did receive our request. We went to the presentation to see what was going on with Wyndham because we were concerned. We were told in order for the Pahio buildings to be upgraded to Whyndham quality a certain percentage of pahio owners had to buy into wyndham. Which means fairshare points or another unit. We own 3 timeshares and aren't interested in buying anymore. We thought our best move would be to sit and wait and see what happens. I can't believe wyndham would leave certain buildings unkept. Where would our maintence fees be going to then? Plus they would get a lot of complaints and their gold crown rating would go down. I do think that we should be given an equal chance to stay in one of the newer buildings. It should go to whoever gets their reservation in first gets first dibs on where they want to stay, unless the person that is putting in a reservation is the owner of that particular unit. We will continue to go there once every 5 years to keep an eye on what's going on. We live in Michigan so it's a long trip for us to be going more than that.