Report Abuse - 30238

Re: Sunterra sold to Diamond Resorts LLC

We have owned since 2005 and were happy with Sunterra- they resolved problems are I was able to get the answers I needed. However, since Diamond took over, service has gone down the tubes!! Did you know that if you want info about a property with Interval International, all inquiries MUST go thru Diamond? It seems Diamond wants to control all the info that we receive. The problem with getting info from Diamond about II properties is two-fold: 1) Actually talking to someone is next to impossible. I wanted some info about going to Disney and called 4 times. The first 2 times I was on hold for over an hour. The third time I hung up after about 30 minutes. The fourth time I got to talk to someone after being on hold for about 15 minutes. After the first 2 times of calling, I sent an e-mail to the worthless CEO of Diamond explaining how disappointed I was. The website said that he would personally respond within a week. Well, apparently a week in Diamond's world is different that a week in reality- it took a month before I heard anything from Diamond... absolutely horrible service. 2) If and when you can talk to someone, they aren't very knowledgeable about II properties. The person I finally spoke with at Diamond couldn't tell me when the slower times were at Disney- and that's all over the Disney website. Before Diamond took over, I had good service from II... If this is how DRI is going to run OUR resort, we may just sell and be done with them...It seems they are only out for themselves and not looking out for the good of the resort and owners. Also, a big thanks to Bill Burns for his updates and hard work!!