Report Abuse - 33633

Re: Sunterra sold to Diamond Resorts LLC

Do your homework b4 you lay down your hard-earned cash. Salespeople are now DESPERATE for your cash and will paint outrageously fantastic pictures to entice you to pay exorbitant $$$ for what is essentially a floating currency of points. Just like the fact there are multiple monetary currencies in the world, there are also a whole spectrum of various types and variety of points, if this is the way you want to go. Which is best for you depends on your own needs and sophistication. Complex? Yes. The panacea for everything; especially at the price DRI's the Club is offering? Do NOT take just one person's sales pitch for it as your only input - READ what others who have actually experienced BOTH the +'s and -'s. Bottom line - it's your money, it's your time and it's therefore up to YOU to do your own due diligence on how best to use it. MANY more than just a few dozen have less than stellar opinions of DRI Club points and the costs associated with them versus the exchange power they provide. The statistical sampling of the negatives reviews over the positive reviews would lead me to believe there is some substance to many claims that the Club points are NOT as gloriously satisfying as rickr99 is attempting to "sell" (?????).