Report Abuse - 34775

Re: Hacienda del Mar

Hi, I am also an owner at Hacienda Del Mar for the past 10 years. We were there in Nov. 08. It is now only good for a restful vacation. I also feel we have been cheated. If we wanted to sell our timeshares now who would buy them. One of the reasons we purchased was because of all of the amenities, one really did not have to leave the compound if they chose not to. I did see some upgrades in the units, but it is quite outdated. Upon speaking to the staff, they seem to be as much in the dark as we are. Upon calling to find out why our maintenance went up so much, I was told that it had to do with the electric and water which was before part of the Hotel. Now that we are alone, the Hotel is now charging us these enormous rates for electric and water. It was said that they are looking into now separating ourselves from the hotel so that we can be self sufficient. It is still a rip off as far as I am concerned. If a class action suit was started perhaps we could either get our monies back, or trade for another property in Hyatt. Most of their properties are beautiful and well worth it. What a sour taste this has left for me. I used to love the Hacienda and raved about it until everything started to close little by little. If there is a suit started count me in. Thanks for your time. We are in this together. Joyce