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How did we get lumped in here?

[Q=stevel251] Hi, I'm not sure how we got lumped into this discussion, but we do not conduct business the way these companies do. We operate essentially as an online classified section, same as a newspaper or companies such as or, all of which ask for advertising payment before placing the ad. Anyone doing a Google search for timeshare-related search terms will see us come up near the top on page 1 which is how we attract buyers to our site, same as the other companies I mentioned. We make no guarantees about sales timeframes or "having a buyer waiting" and other dubious tactics. Without knowing the specifics of lynnb98's situation (such as her asking price) I cannot comment further. However, feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about us or, if you are a current customer, about the status of your account. Sincerely, Steve Luba Director of Communications[/Q] [b]BS personified ..... if you charge an upfront fee in the hundreds/thousands of dollars then your company is a scam like all others ..... classified ads in newspapers and other media DO NOT charge that amount of money .... sorry that this forum and other timeshare forums have put a huge dent in your business ..... maybe it's time you sought other employment because we're not going away ..... it's my mission to educate as many people as I can on 'upfront fee company' scams .... thanks to the internet your business has dropped considerably. My question is how do you sleep at night with all the lies you tell prospective clients ...... "what goes around comes around" ..... you and your compadres will get yours one day. The ONLY way your and other upfront fee companies will EVER gain respectibility is when you start charging a fee after you sell, period. I really don't think I'd want my name publicly (especially on the internet) associated with any upfront fee company (that charges in the hundreds/thouands dollars) ..... shame on you and your associates.[/b]