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Re: Is Montecristo Estates sold out & what Pueblo Bonito was selling the last units for

I look back at this thread and see people posting a year ago saying MC is sold out. And that is certainly what they are advertising. However, I just came back from an owners lunch and looked at the sales book (i just asked if I could see it). There are still plenty of weeks in every unit that have been "held back". I also asked if the resort was paying into the $300 per day that is supposed to go to maintenance and not profit. Like any good salesguy/politian he pointed out that my sales contract said that 15% of our maintenance fees can go to the resort maintenance in general and not specific to MC. Fine. But that was not what I asked. So I went on to ask if they would ever open the books to show where the $300 per day maintenance fee we all pay goes. And he started talking about how expensive it is to build the road out to Quivera. Once again. Not what I asked. I tried several different ways and never got an answer. But he did slip once and say maintenance costs were $200 per day (still ridiculously high and still doesn't jive with the 85/15 split). Then he proceeded to tell me that I should just tip more and I would have a much more enjoyable vacation:) Seriously that was the response!