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Re: Is Montecristo Estates sold out & what Pueblo Bonito was selling the last units for

Stayed at Sunset Beach for a week in June and at my villa #12 at MC first two weeks of September. In June chatted with a Sunset Beach penthouse owner who upgraded to a MC villa in MC phase 2 every other year and paid $59K which included her penthouse suite at SB. Salesman tried to up-sell me to a Phase 2 villa in two weeks in August for $115K which included by villa #12. (The poor guy had nothing else to sell me other than a $4M Quivera year round villa. He really got upset when I started laughing). Bottomline is that Phase 2 villas are selling like hotcakes. They wouldn't be building so many unless they were selling them. Where I live in northern California just outside of Sacramento in the foothills construction of new housing has all but completely stopped with home prices down 52% since the peak three years ago and down 60% for upscale houses that originally sold for over a million dollars. So to see the MC villas selling so well was very gladdening. And actually of my houses in California and Florida my MC villa is holding its value the best. I walked out around the mountain where the Landsend Lighthouse is and the first Nicklaus Golf Course is to built and scoped it out. The topography is spectacular and the golf course will be the most famous in the world and a gold mine for all concerned. Talked to parties in-the-know on what is going on with there construction. A separate post will follow.