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Re: Is Montecristo Estates sold out & what Pueblo Bonito was selling the last units for

this is a funny line... "i dont know what will happen to mexico".. really? i don't know what will happen to the United States...let me see, cash for clunkers.. that should save our car companies.. good idea.. oh, i know, lets print up another trillion while baby boomers pile up 9 million a year into their sixties ... are you kidding, mexico is closer, safer and the best value 12:1 peso for the dollar... stop with all the mexico has drug cartels all over it.. don't be so naive.. mexico, as a whole, is totally safe... those border towns are dangerous, but not mexico as a whole ... and certainly not cabo san lucas.. let me ask you ... if i give you 10 million dollars worth of cocaine, are you willing to drive up ONE highway for ONE THOUSAND miles, with NO EXITS, and 6 checkpoints ... ok, so now that you know you can walk safely at night around cabo and there are no drug cartels and nothing but white sandy beaches, some whales, good fishing, some vendors, good margaritas, lots of school children WALKING to school and back every day, hard working service staff that are bused in every day, can you say that about your home town? can you walk in LA anywhere at night? have fun amigos.. just enjoy and let the thing happen.. its too close to the US and too many baby boomers love the no-mosquito coast to not end up making it a more valuable investment... saludos dirk