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I believe Bill Burns was genuine and was trying against some very big odds, to achieve some real say-so on the board of directors on behalf of the owners. It is imperative that we work together if we are to every have a voice in the management of our resort. The first step right now is to turn in our proxy ballots by the deadline which is 11:59:59 p.m. EST on Feb. 22, 2010. Ideally we should collectively decide who we want to represent us on the VOA board and the AOAO board. Two positions on each board are up for election. I have a substantial finacial interest in Kaanapali Beach Club as an owner of numerous weeks. I want to protect that interest. The only way we can achieve a voice is to agree on who we want to serve on the board. If we all vote for different candidates, we will accomplish nothing. Losing Bill Burns meant we took a big step backwards. As you have noticed, we have heard nothing from anyone since he resigned due to health reasons. As I read through all of the candidates, two stuck out to me as two who would work hard to see that we have a say on the board. I suggest that we vote for Kristen Kirkpatrick and Lawrence Woodford. I honestly do not know them from Adam, but they sound like two people that would represent my interests. If you have other opinions, feel free to share them. Let's work together and try to equalize the situation. Above all, DO NOT SEND IN YOUR BLANK PROXY!!!! Please fill it out and vote for who you think will do a good job represening us. If you send it in blank, you will no doubt be electing another Diamond Resorts employee.