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I knew Bill Burns and spent a good deal of time discussing his efforts at KBC with him. I can tell you that he was very sincere in his efforts at KBC. He spent enormous time and funds trying to help the owners retake the resort. When his website was at its peak he was talking to over 6,000 potential votes. The last time I talked to him he said the most votes he was ever able to gather in any election was just over 3,000. So half of his followers failed him in his efforts. If you filed any of the many factual reports and emails he sent the KBC owners, go back and read them. He carefully explained the trust point system versus deeded ownership. He NEVER converted his deeds to the trust but did, in the end, purchase some trust points to supplement his deeded points to attain a higher level of ownership. He had over 50,000 deeds/points when he left. Every year he tried to educate owners as to how to fill out ballots and how the elections were run. His last email on the subject showed that around 70% of the resort was still in the hands of deeded owners. Conversion is a very slow process. For the sales staff to say otherwise is fraud. Someone had it correct. Bill was forced to resign due to a heart attack. He was carrying a large burdeon of maintaining a job, spending hundreds of hours on KBC issues and dealing with the personal tragedy of a terminally ill wife. And anyone wonders why he had a heart attack. Bill always spoke highly of Ron Wade and Larry Woodford and worked closely with them to try to make changes. In an annual owners meeting a couple years ago he said he considered them good advocates and good friends. That being said, we need Bill back.