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Opinions on weeks or points or a little of both?

[Q=cheryls47] I already have points from a points resort and am now in the process of buying another unit at a different resort and they offer weeks for $55 or if already in the points system then $100 for the points. The questions is should I purchase the weeks and get possibly 2 weeks out of the unit as it is a lockout studio and two bedroom or would be better of with point to add to my existing points.[/Q] I don't think I understand. You're asking if you purchase this additional unit, should you try to use them as points or as deposits to "double up", as it were? If this is RCI Points, I think it really depends on how many points they give you for the new unit. Do you have enuf points, would doubling them be too much/too little to be worht it? I'm not sure about the $55 and 100 fees - for what?