Report Abuse - 45185

Vacation Property "Recovery" indeed...

[Q=katherines90] I received a call from Sean Ketchem of Vacation Property Recovery just yesterday, Dec 2. He offered me a price for my timeshare at twice it's value and had two buyers for it. He did not know the exact name of my property. All I had to do was give him my check info and send him 10% or the sale value when I received from him copies of the closing costs. Which he would send me immediately. I heard today on Clark's radio show that there is an article in the NYT saying this is a new wrinkle on an old scam and the closing papers are invalid. I pass this on for what it's worth and will avoid any contact with this co.[/Q] Good job --- and congratulations on being SMART ! Your first clue was likely the parasites claiming to have two buyers for a timeshare property which they couldn't actually even identify! Quite brazen.