Report Abuse


Jerry, Happy Holidays to you and everybody else as well. In the real world if you do not like the contracted services like Resort Management you find a new one, unfortunately DRI is not the real world they tend to hide behind their attorneys and stay within legal boundaries. We have the majority vote, unfortunately most of us (myself included) have been complacent and have let the foxes in to the hen house. Had I known I would need to babysit a bunch of board members that have a hidden agenda, I hope I would have been paying better attention. It is not too late, we just need to be intelligent and organized to out smart this bunch. These guys are professional resort thieves. Then they grab all the cash they can through their points programs and deed grabs and foreclosures. Then they expect us to thank them for doing a good job. We are the owners of the Resort, and we need to tell these guys YOUR FIRED, pack up all your cronies and get out of here. We the owners have the power of numbers, we need to get the word out. Concerned Vacation Owner