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Re: 2010 Owners Association Meeting

Peterp151 While you are correct regarding Mr. Woodford not on the ballot, the proxy information was inaccurate. According to the ballot I received Quote--...If you leave it blank the Board of Directors of the association will be designated as your proxy holder. Proxies are only valid for tabulating representation for a quorum and items of business presented at the annual meeting. --end quote (Paragraph 2 of December 14, 2010 annual meeting notice and ballot) Regardless of your proxy holder your vote must be counted as marked. If you choose to allow the board to be your proxy either by choice or by leaving the proxy field blank and you also vote for your candidates that is how your vote must be cast. However if you do not choose the candidates then your proxy holder will vote in your absence for whomever they want. If you know someone non DRI that will be in attendance please share. I put Kristen Kirkpatrick, I do not know if she will be in attendance but I also placed my votes as recommended above. VOA (2 Candidates) Ron Wade Kristen Kirkpatrick AOAO (1 candidate) Kirsten Kirkpatrick Regards, CVO