Report Abuse - 53729

Royal HOliday is a scam

Royal Holiday is a scam. Do not be fooled by this group. This company uses misleading high-pressure sales tactics as well as false, fraudulent claims and outright lies to induce consumers into signing a contract. They will stop at nothing to get you to sign. In April of 2004, my girlfriend (now wife) and I visited Puerto Vallarta. Upon arrival....still in the airport...we were bombarded by several individuals offering all sorts of 'free' gifts if we were to attend their presentation. This continued at our hotel. We were approached in the hotel lobby by a Royal Holiday representative claiming we had won a prize for a free lunch and several free activities. She called a taxi and took us to a resort where we found ourselves in an orientation that took 3-4 hours. The high pressure sales-pitch that ensued had us being passed from one representative to another, all while being continually served spiked drinks (in our opinion.) They promised that we could travel anywhere at any time....we have never been able to schedule a trip. They stated that our membership was an investment that would increase in value and that we could sell our membership and make money....a huge lie. They told us that we could rent/lease our membership and make money. We were told that we could write the membership off on our taxes.....another lie. They offered discounted air tickets to use when we scheduled a trip...never able to attempt to use since unable to even schedule a vacation. They did mention maintenance fees, but claimed they would not increase...they increased almost immediately. The contract not only made no mention of the right to cancel within five days (we have since learned this through ABCs 20/20 segment & postings from others), it actually declared, "This agreement cannot be canceled by either party."....a misleading, untrue statement. We have requested to be released from our contract with a full refund. We've been offered a release from our contract without refund or we can pay to be reinstated. Since they have now turned us into a collection bureau, we responded with a cease and desist letter. We are now filing a complaint with Profeco citing misrepresentation and plan to share that information with the Mexican Administration for Tourism. We are also setting up a website at that will provide another outlet to warn consumers about this group, but also provide input on a course of action to take against this fraudulent company.