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Re: Mexico Advocate Team or Group, Coco Sunset, Executive Properites, omniCorp

My family was scammed by a liar named Matt from somewhere in California(so he said). After he rambled on trying to convince us he is a 'family man with kids' he then persuaded us on purchasing a 'fractional'(actually my Attorney says it's 'pure air'). Then the lies really poured on when he guaranteed us a rental return that would pay us back our investment and then some. Not to mention what our previous timeshare was worth a small fortune. What a BIG MISTAKE we made. My wife and I also were practically dragged to the 'presentation' and when we tried to politely decline a tall english lady said it was 'MANDATORY' and forced us in. Her name I found out is Zohey and she will say anything to get you in, BUT YOU DON"T NEED TO ATTEND! I.I. said its voluntarily your option. THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL CROOKS AND SHOULD ROT IN HELL, WHICH IS WHERE THEY WILL ALL END UP. *****AVOID THIS HOLE******