Report Abuse - 64724

Re: Mexico Advocate Team or Group, Coco Sunset, Executive Properites, omniCorp

[Q=jingerm] I would say you should find out what state they are from and give a call to the State's Attorney Gen. If they are for real (which I doubt) I've got 4 units I'll sell in a heartbeat! JK[/Q] They are supposedly based out of Clayton, Missouri. I don't think they are real...very vanilla web site. They are also brand new with no track record, BBB rating, etc. Perfect setup for another scam firm in that they have no track record/history. When I told them my brother lives in St. Louis and is coming over to check out their office, the guy hesitated and said he needed an appointment first. I flat out asked him if they physically had an office there and he said that this is the official mailing address. When I looked at the address on Google/Bing, it seems like a large building, and they cannot possibly own the building....they have no office or suite number listed in their address, so it has to be the whole building. I think this is another Omnicorp fake office type of deal, they are probably based out of Mexico using VOIP for their phone numbers to look like it is in U.S. Also, although they do not get money from the seller upfront, only after the sale on their commission, they wanted me to sign a non-disclosure agreement. If that doesn't smell I don't know what does.