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Re: Royal HOliday is a scam

[Q=nr38] Acquired in Cancun the 7 year "test-drive plan". They never told me that every certificate must be activated paying an extra fee. Every time I need to book 1-2 months ahead, they say that there is no vacancy. One must book 6-7 months ahead at least. No benefits at all. Out there are a bunch of other ways to save money: xpedia, agoda, savemyday coupons, last minute travel sites and so. Please plase for your sake say NO to the selling representatives and spread the word. Their contracts are designed to reduced to zero the possibilites for sue them and get your money back.[/Q] One the of main priorities concerning timeshares is booking early .... 1-2 months ahead won't work in most cases, especially for popular locations/resorts/timeframes .... some people book a year in advance to get what they want. I've never heard of a 7 year test drive. How much did you pay for this and how much do you have pay to book a week?