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Re: Royal HOliday is a scam

Hello, well I want to post my experience cancelling my Timeshare with Royal Holiday. When I first started with them, they promised more points, surprises, trips, exchanges to other resorts in different places, but all that was b.s. I receive dozens of calls on a weekly bases of fraudulent companies promising unbelievable amounts for my timeshare that I now blow off. Unfortunately , I was a victim and persuaded by some smooth talking scam artist. Like 6 months ago I got contacted by Mr. Carrera, a lawyer in a mexican law firm, he told me he can cancel my timeshare and also get my money back. Anyways he sent me all his info via e-mail, I checked it and I wasn't sure in what to do. A mexican Law firm named Miller and Markez scammed me with a couple thousands in the past and I was very skeptical about the whole situation. My wife was sick in the time, I needed my money back, and this Carrera guy only charged 599 USD which I paid. I checked Carrera and Lawson's website and I noticed a couple of changes which got me a bit worried and shaken up. I was thinking it was "to good to be true" at that moment. That being said, they clarified all of my doubts and felt a bit more secure with the decision I was about to make in moving forward. My gut feeling was saying to trust and let faith decided. My god I was sweating bullets, anxious to find out if I was in for a surprise. They mentioned that my case was approved and that I should be expecting a compensation. The next couple of days I was reviewing my account constantly and NOTHING!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!!!! I was thinking how foolish I could be of falling once!!!!! I called desperately and Mr. Carrera was nowhere to be found!!! His secretary told me that everything had turned out to be just fine and that in 24hrs funds should be reflected. I was so sure I had been fooled. Checked my account one last time.... and there it was......!!!!!!!! I was in for the surprise of my life!!!! Halleluiah!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the lord!!! I highly recommend the service. They are very patient and you'll be receiving nothing but complete professionalism. Best of luck anyone out there that reads this. God bless.... J.G.