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Seeking Guidance Re: Buying at MKBC in the Resale Market. Good and Bad?

I'm thinking of buying an annual week at the MKBC on the resale market. We've traded other company time shares through II into this resort and it is one of our favorite resorts. This resort and Hawaii properties are popping up less every year on II. Thus our interest in buying here to lock us in. Does it really lock us in? We would buy a floating high season annual. But it's my understanding all is high season, except they may call the 2 weeks around Christmas as something more special, and make it more difficult to get in then (we really prefer the week before Christmas (50) or after New Years (1), but sometimes 51 & 52 are more optimal. Also, now with the points system would I, as a weekly owner be later in line to get desired weeks? Two final resale buyers are we able to participate in a trading system within Marriott for other Marriott resorts...and...are there other benefits we would be denied as a resale buyer? Thanks for your guidance.