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Re: Royal HOliday is a scam

I want to tell you also this. Yesterday after I posted my comment here, I also sent an email to Anton Rinderer (Tony) to First Names Group email address. (Its been many years since I did that last time, or tried to contact them). I dont know whether it was just another coincidence or not, but makes me really wonder whats going on. Little after sending that message, my lap top went out of order (couldnt find the server), well... just an coincidence? But what also amazed me, was that my email address didnt work on my cell phone either little after that message I sent yesderday (still doenst), which is odd because the net works on my phone perfectly well, and did also yesterday. Might be just another weird coincidence I admit, but must tell you also that my computer has only got 'out of order' few times, and everytime seems to be related to RHC somehow. Once I went (did my searching on net) to Costamex Group site, and got bad virus out of it. Another time after I got banned from 'the club payment system' in 2011, I didnt have any access to RHC website for half of year or so - the whole site seemed to disappear (?). Well.. also RHC had cancelled before that my access to my account. They told the reason was because my doubts about FNTC and RHC cooperation! Ha haa... also didnt have any access to FNTC/IFG Int (as FNG was in that time) and RHC's email addresses for a while (February 2011 I'd remember). Odd, isnt it? Many coincidences 😃 which never happen to me otherwise than when its related to RHC somehow. And theres nothing wrong with my computer, working perfectly well (sometimes getting a bit slow though but so do I :) ). That 'banning episode' was done on purpose though by 'them' (FNTC/IFG Int/RHC..), with no permission as my laptop kept saying: 'you have no permission..' when I tried to send email to them, but still. I use security protection system, so that might also influence dealing with 'RHC' (?). And yesterday I really though that my email got 'under attack' just because it was too odd coinincidence somehow, after all my experience with RHC, nothing surprises me to be honest.. Anyway odd, isnt it? And it was IFG int(FNG)/fntc behind those bannings 😃. Unbelievable! And once more also this, RHC didnt respond to my email (previous messages also with RHC). It only seems to be a game here (this site) also to show 'the world'.... Or they deal with only Americans... because? Im aware of tools by now... and its not about Mexicans.