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Royal HOliday is a scam

After speaking with Juan Angel Fonesca Valencia yesterday and his attempt to reach a satisfactory solution we went back and looked through the piles of paper dating back to 2001. We were promised an updated contract with the stipulations of the so called annunity clause ....then we were told since it was so late in the day...more like evening it was too late to draw it up. Come back tomorrow. We didn't sleep that night having buyers remorse. Now remember back then there was no 5 day cancellation period. That was brought about in 2006 after the 20/20 exposed royal. When confronted on 20/20 Mr Garcia said they would incorporate the cancellation policy there after. Every trip we took we could have gotten cheaper with everything included air/all-inclusive through Expedia, orbitz, Travelocity etc.... A satisfactory agreement to Royal is to continue being a member and continue getting ripped off. We specifically told the salesman we wanted a week all inclusive. Our $10,000.00 initial investment (which we paid in full) barely yielded 5 days. The flea bag, drug infested prostitute motel in Las Vegas was the last straw. AND YES we did COMPLAIN to NO avail!!! According to Juan we need to shop around for airfare from the east coast. It's very difficult to pair up air and hotel at their all inclusive so for the same dates....airfare is between $550.00 to $750.00 rd/trip/pp .....and in the $575 maintainence plus the per night all- inclusive fee which is probably at least $85.00 by now. Oh...he did say some resorts are as low as $49.000. Where is that in Mexico/Cozumel? Don't want to go there....we go to Punta Cana DR.....will keep you posted.