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Re: Anyone who has experience with Sapphire Holiday Collection weeks ?

You will get some information from Sapphire, after 30 days, that appears to be somewhat legitimate but I did not use any of their offerings as I bought this for the airfare, which was supposed to activate after 6 months. I did not want to forfeit my chance of a refund by using any of the services. I waited to see if the airfare offerings from Asevig would come through (6 months after the purchase) and when they did not, then I completed my case with BOA for a refund. I think they make you wait the 30 days so that you have a harder time getting a refund from your credit card. If you just purchased, I would contact your credit card company immediately to get a report on file stating you fear you may have been scammed. Then see what happens and keep good records of all communications with Sapphire. I was sad that this was a scam as I was excited about purchasing discount airfare, but once again the old adage is true, if it appears too good to be true.... it is. :-(