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Developer influenced vs. completely independent...

[Q=tracey75] Just want to mention, that you can buy a high demand week at a nice resort and sometimes even then you can run into problems. The resort can be sold to another developer and all of the sudden decide to raise fees 20% or more, each and every year for 2-5 years and all of the sudden even during prime times the rental value is lower than the MF's. Or the developer might change the rules on how reservations are made, or make a very high transfer fee which effectively kills the resale value. You can do your homework and find a resort and interval that is perfect for you but then things beyond your control can happen and it can become something you can't get rid of.[/Q] Good and valid points --- but *only* if a resort is still actually in the hands (or under the influence) of any developer. At independent resorts with no "chain" affiliation and the original developers long gone and a owner-based HOA now solely in charge, not so much.