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Anyone who has experience with Sapphire Holiday Collection weeks ?

Contact your payment method company immediately. The secret is not to have used any aspect of this service and also to prove that you did not know you were scammed until now. Basically if you have records that show them stringing you along with 6 month waiting periods which never amounted to anything you might have a chance. I was successful because I contacted my BOA credit card company within 30 days when I got the first hint of something fishy. I explained the 120 day waiting period for Asevig and they said i had to wait that out. If it indeed did not turn out as advertised, they would help me then. So i began to document everything and to write a running narrative of communications with attached emails. I kept checking in with BOA throughout to make sure my case was still open and active. I wrote down everyone's names. I was also a 15 year customer of BOA so I used my loyalty to inspire them to help me. It took months. I bought Sapphire in December, Contacted BOA in January, gave up in Asevig in June and got my money back in July.