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Timeshare ownership goals and objectives...

[Q=donp196] Anyone who purchases a timeshare with the expectations of making a profit will soon learn it doesn't work that way. [/Q] I agree that buying any timeshare with the hope or expectation of "making a profit" is essentially a fool's errand and is doomed to failure. It is also very unwise to buy any timeshare directly from a developer, since truly obscene numbers (and lots of lies and misrepresentations and exaggerations) are involved there. The secondary (resale) market is the [b]only[/b] smart place to ever consider buying a timeshare. There is value besides "profit" in timeshare ownership [b]*IF*[/b] you buy the right product (resale only) at the right price (i.e., low) in a good location in the right season. For several [b]decades[/b] now, we have used and enjoyed our several (resale) fixed week timeshare ownerships a whole lot and we look forward to continuing to do so for years to come --- God willing. To each their own choices and decisions.