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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hello, the "coalition of financially distressed TMC owners" was in no way established as an alternative to zimmerman's proposed possible lawsuit. if you were informed enough, you would have seen that we (who established the coalition) usually suggested that those who joined us also join zimmerman. we claimed no exclusivity to solving the legal issues and we offered no legal advice whatsoever. we made attempts to try to get a substantial number of owners' contact information; we would then proceed from there. in fact during the planning of the coalition, we did not exclude the idea of turning the contacts over to zimmerman. in this case we would need to proceed with caution due to privacy issues. and for the record, and your comments about my "carping" about whether or not the owners' contact list was made available to zimmerman or tucker, we were NEVER asked about the number of owner contacts we received.............again, for the record, and your satisfaction........since you stated the issue.....we have between 60 and 80 contacts. that certainly wasn't at all encouraging to us. at this point, we did not receive any further queries about owners wanting to join the "coalition". if zimmerman wanted, we would have asked all contacts that we were able to assemble to contact him, on their own, again because of privacy issues. we did not work under clandestine situations. the "coalition" was always upfront about the why's and wherefore's of our mission. (check back pages of for the mission statement of the "coalition"). i hope this establishes a more friendly atmosphere between us. bickering among each other solves nothing and substantially weakens our cause. i believe that if zimmerman disclosed a yea or nay about attaining use of the famous TMC OWNERS' CONTACT LIST, if yea, i believe it would encourage more owners to want to join his possible lawsuit. if nay, owners still have the option to join him to make his case stronger. as an attorney, he obviously wouldn't want to reveal the number of those who joined him to date. however a statement from him giving us the current strength status of his legal attempts would be to his benefit. and i still ask the question: did tucker or zimmerman gain access to the owners' contact list? a simple yes or no would suffice for now. i assume most owners, especially those of us in this forum, would welcome having this information.............just a simple yes or no. i truly hope that my comments here will tend to alleviate the adversarial tenor of our online TMC relationship. we have enough TMC enemies to fight; this shouldn't lead to combat among owners. keep in mind, i and my co-founder will do all we can to win our common cases against TMC/EICHER/ET AL. chrisv [Q=dennisc283] [Q=chrisv126] robert, i second beckyf's response to your comments's my take on about the other 10% of your well-written statement. your quote, " One of the long time suspicions by many owners is that TMC oversold ownership. It's also speculated by several of us (myself included) that is why TMC has not released the list of owners. Doing so could admit criminal wrong doing on behalf of the managers." i believe that fraud was admitted to by eichner during the schneiderman legal hearings. fraud, especially since committed so openly and to such an extent, is a criminal offense. schneiderman accepted eichner's plea deal to end the legal proceedings and "WIN" his case as a political (BS) VICTORY, perhaps a feather in his cap. and indirectly in cuomo's cap as well. the criminal offense issue should have been pursued. eichner would almost definitely be given a comfy cell, albeit without the benefit of the 26 floor lounge! another quote: " I feel there is signifiant enough evidence within the NYAG case that shows breach of contract on behalf of TMC. It is my personal opinion that I have been wronged and have suffered a significant loss in value of an asset purchased from TMC due to the perceived breach.".......a perfect interpretation which i agree to fully. breach of contract would have had its own penalties attached, again, an issue overlooked by schneiderman.......much too suspicious for me to swallow. since you think and write so clearly, what's your take on not yet getting information about zimmerman (or tucker) getting access to the TMC owners' contact list? i have written quite extensively here (RW) about this and finally got an unsatisfactory response from sueo which can be read a few comments down. keep in touch[/Q] It’s very strange to me that you, who launched an alternate group on the heels of Zimmerman trying to amass enough owners to finance his efforts for owners. Yet you keep carping about not receiving information from that effort. Yet, you have not reported results of your Coalition and your alternative approach to Zimmerman. Come’on man!![/Q]