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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hello peg, there is, in fact, a COALITION OF FINANCIALLY DISTRESSED TMC OWNERS (COFDTMCO). we are not representing ourselves as a legal entity nor are we offering legal advice. our purpose is to get as many owners to join us (NOT PRECLUDING JOINING ZIMMERMAN'S PROPOSED LAWSUIT) to gather their contact information. we have suggested to our members to join zimmerman, should they choose. our raison d'etre is to gather and use tmc owners' info to form strength in numbers against our common enemy, TMC/EICHNER, AND PROBABLY BLUEGREEN. in no way are we presenting a case contra to zimmerman's. as a caveat, we feel that, up to the present time, we haven't collected sufficient numbers of tmc owners to be effective in showing strength in numbers. we are not yet aware if zimmerman or tucker has attained access to the total list of TMC OWNERS. we believe this list to be a possible major key to his success in proceeding with his lawsuit. should he choose to ask the founders of (COFDTMCO) for our current list of between 70 and 80 owners, we would email all of them to contact zimmerman for further information about his proposed lawsuit. we will not turn over our list directly to zimmerman due to privacy issues, a situation he most likely agrees with. again, if he desires to gain more possible clients, and he contacts us,, we will not be adverse to accommodate him by emailing our members suggesting they confer with him. [Q=pegc29] I recently became aware of the new lawsuit, and sent an email about 2 months ago to the law firm that is representing the owners, indicating my interest in joining the coalition. I did not hear back. How can I confirm that I am part of the coalition of owners being represented?[/Q]